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Says No Products, yet there ARE Products


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Here's an example URL:




For the "Guitars" section it says there are no products (but if you specify further and click Electric or Acoustic on the left, you clearly see that there are products there).


This only occurs for "Bass Guitars" and "Guitars" categories - the rest work fine! Any ideas?

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Bumping this up - any ideas guys?


Probably admin setting something wrong. by the way, you have many products on sale so where is the SPECIAL column? 8)

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What kind of admin setting? I've looked through everything multiple times. As far as "special" goes. Everything has a retail, and a "Sale Price" in the music industry. It's not a sale price beyond the normal discount from retail.

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You may want to check admin > My Store > Stock. For example, if you are checking stock and won't allow checkout for an item without stock, it won't display the item.


Good luck,


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It shows fine in the admin panel, and even shows fine on the site (if you click Guitars nothign shows, but click Electric on the left menu, and they show fine). The items are in the database correctly, and even displaying correctly, just not on the "Guitars" page itself (displays fine on "guitars -> electric).


Any ideas?

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  • 3 years later...

I have a similar problem.


When I am looking at the Products/Categories section, it tells me that there are products in a category. When I select the category, it says there are no products. When I am looking at the store from the customer viewpoint, the categories are all listed on the left. There are numbers in brackets beside each category. I assume this refers to the number of products in each category.


I have looked at the tables in SQL and there apear to be entries in all the tables. I have looked in:






All of these tables have rows in them.


I have checked the stock flags as mentioned in an earlier post (they are both set to false), but still it says no products.


I have tried to do an SQL query for products with a particular category, but cannot get it to work.


Any other help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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  • 1 year later...
I have a similar problem.


When I am looking at the Products/Categories section, it tells me that there are products in a category. When I select the category, it says there are no products. When I am looking at the store from the customer viewpoint, the categories are all listed on the left. There are numbers in brackets beside each category. I assume this refers to the number of products in each category.


I have looked at the tables in SQL and there apear to be entries in all the tables. I have looked in:






All of these tables have rows in them.


I have checked the stock flags as mentioned in an earlier post (they are both set to false), but still it says no products.


I have tried to do an SQL query for products with a particular category, but cannot get it to work.


Any other help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.







hey, did you get this matter fixed? i have the same issue, can you help me. thanks

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