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The e-commerce.

Select delivery date in order process ? customer editable


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I am developing a sandwich ordering service and I need to add a new form field onto the order pages somewhere to allow the customer to choose a day for delivery at the same time as there payment options (it would be nice to have some Java script that would tell customers an order can not be delivered today if the time on the server is after 10:30 am)


I am using the OScommerce with no shipping, I just deliver the sandwiches, we make sandwiches for delivery until 10:30am on the day of delivery and so I want to prompt the customer about the delivery day and time and warn them after 10:30 am that only tomorrow or after are available delivery dates.


Anybody help ??? Any ideas, I am new to OSCommerce?.I have a really bad internet connection as well so it is not easy to search the forum, sorry if it is here already somewhere.

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