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Center Table Header / Footer Image


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Hi All,


Looking for information on how to add header/footer images to the center table on the main page (New Products For July).


I have currenlty configured Infobox Header Images from the contribs. But this shows you how to modify the Info Boxes on the left and right not the center.


Any clues ??


I have been through about 50 searches so far and still haven't found a lead to my solution.


Thanx in Advance




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This is getting somewhat anoying. I have posted a few times to this board and have not received a response for any of them. Is this so difficult ? I just want to change or add the header and footer images to the center table of the main catalog. Generally the "New Products For (this month)" are there ? What file and/or location do I adjust this at ?




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Hi danegron


Sorry you haven't had any replies to your questions... I am fairly new to this but will help in any way I can...!


If I understand what you're trying to achieve it is to put an image in the main 'central' portion of the osC screen yeah?


Well... as I understand it, the file that controls what appears here is the index.php file. It also looks for the text contained in lang/english/index.php - which can be defined using the file manager tool in admin. You need to edit this file and include a table with hidden borders that contains any images you want to see on your main page.


Do you have a development site where you can test your code ammendments first? Also, if you can send me your lang/english/index.php file... as well as any images you'd like to include - I can have a go for you... I'll then send you the ammended file for you to checkout... you can then see how I have included the images...


Your call...




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I found out that it is the index.php around line 313. I was going to add a row above and below:



<td><?php include(DIR_WS_MODULES . FILENAME_NEW_PRODUCTS); ?></td>



This seems to work, but now I am trying to get rid of the grey bar below this image. To see an example fo what I am talking about check out this.


This is only a temporary example that I will be taking off once I have figured this section out.



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