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Media Rate and Live Shipping Lookup


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Over a month ago, I outlined my needs to this forum, and I received very positive responses. I've been asking repeatedly, and I'd like to ask again:


Can osCommerce be configured for the "media rate," and does "live shipping lookup" work?


If yes, how does it work, what can I read, what do I need to install, etc. If not, it would be great if someone could point me to a good alternative.



Dainis W. Michel

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Honestly, I'm going to be neding htis as well.


However, I'm not sure that the USPS offers live quotes for media rate yet.


If they do, it should just be a matter of passing the right code to the USPS server, and adding another elemnt to the array.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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If they do, it should just be a matter of passing the right code to the USPS server, and adding another elemnt to the array.


OK, that's a start, whew, maybe this will work yet. I'll look into the USPS side. Some logical next questions are:


1) What code is passed to the USPS server? Where is it? How can it be modified, viewed, etc?


2) How can one add another element to the array? Where is the array? How can I look at the array? How do I edit the array?


3) What about the UPS server? I'm getting very high prices for my 3.5oz CD (the weight is configured correctly), and I'm not sure if the prices I'm seeing in osCommerce are the actual shipping costs for the weight of my product. Does $5.97 seem right to ship a .22 lb package/letter with a music CD in it? That price is from New York to Chicago. And for NY to Vienna, Austria, the lowest UPS price showing is $48.60, which is total BS. So, how do I fix the problem? How do I get the right prices to show?


Thanks for the reply, let's get this working!


I do have to admit, though, I am going to look around for another cart that has this built in already. Of course, I would prefer it if osCommerce could be configured to work.


Again, your replies are very much appreciated, and I am very much hoping that someone will post and say "Yeah, I've got all of that working, you need to install this and that, you need to do this and that, and hey, check out my site, it all works."




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I found a post from Sat Dec 14, 2002 12:11 am by BirdBrain



Please read the forum rules...bumping your post is against the rules.


While you are waiting try doing a search for shipping options or something...You might also explore the contributions. (upper left hand corner, click on the DOWNLOADS button, then the contributions in the menu)




If you aren't part of the solution.....

you are part of the problem.


Which lead me to find


Media Mail Rates for Shipping USPS


Add media mail shipping rate as an option when using USPS.


06/27/2002 - Media Mail Rates for Shipping USPS Author: David Throckmorton


in the contributions. So, I'll do my best to install the contribution.


Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




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I took a look at the contribution, and it doesn't fit into my USPS module at all. So it looks like it may have been from a much older snapshot.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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Hey Chris,


With 1506 posts, it's obviously safe to rely on your information. I'm totally bummed. What can we do?


How backwards is this procedure: Simply enter every single shipping rate manually (somehow). Better: Use the most current media rate table available from the USPS and maybe there's a module that would check the table. Maybe the USPS has a service where they email you if the rates change. That would be nice.


Either that or build a module that looks up the media rate. It's inconceivable that no one has such a module running, and I've read some not-so-nice posts stating that osCommerce lures you in, and then makes you pay to get real functionality. If that's the case, I find that pretty crummy, but I have not been on the scene long enough to make an evaluation.


At any rate, I am looking forward to hearing how you suggest I/we proceed.



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LoL, nothing about OSC costs you anything. If you want to hire a developer, that may cost you, but out of the box, OSC has more functionality than any cart I've ever seen. And any addtionality you want can be free as well, you just have to have an open mind about learning php. Sure, people that don't want to lift a finger, yet still want their cart to have every modern convenience conceivable will need to pay for additional functionality. But it's not accurate to say that they have to pay for anything. Noone is forcing them to hire a programmer. The problem these days is that people expect open source programmers to write mod explicitly for them, and for free. That's not being very realistic.




I'll look into writing a mod that will connect to the USPS server and get the Media quote. My plate is pretty full, so it may take some time, but I need this too, so I'll definatly get around to it.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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I have a completely open mind about learning PHP, it's just hard for me to believe that no one is using media rate with live shipping lookup. There's a thread started on Thu Mar 21, 2002 1:12 pm, Post subject: Is this Pjoject open source or not!!!!!!


This issue came up over a year ago, and at that point someone got very frustrated with osCommerce due to the same problems I'm facing.


When I outlined my needs in my 2nd post to this forum: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewtopic.php...7081&highlight=,

a bunch of people wrote things like:


I think osCommerce is perfect for what you are looking to accomplish.


Now I'm getting:


The problem these days is that people expect open source programmers to write mod explicitly for them, and for free. That's not being very realistic.


Am I being unrealistic to think that "media rate" would work in osCommerce, especially when I made my needs clear at the beginning? Does it seem like I'm expecting folks to program a mod for me for free? No one out there is using media rate? It's not something that I can easily do? There are no workarounds that I could implement fairly easily?


Say it ain't so!


I still have faith that some of the folks who replied to my initial posts were sincere, and that there is a way for me to use the media rate with live shipping lookup. Also, I'd love it if someone would explain why the media rate is such a sensitive issue. Moreover, I'd love it, if someone could at least point me in the right direction.




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I just sent the following email to the Post Office:




Hi, do you guys allow online live shipping lookup for international and domestic media rate packages?






If I don't get a response soon, I'll call. If the response is positive, can I get a hand with modifying the code to lookup the media rate?


What do you say?



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Whoa, take it easy bud.


So far in this thread I've done *nothing* but be helpfull to you, and offer my assistance, and now you're throwing it in my face? Allthough I need this to work as well, with this kind of attitude, I'm not very likily to share it with you.


Am I being unrealistic to think that "media rate" would work in osCommerce

Yes, it is unrealistic to assume that OSC by default, should come with every need you might possibly want. media Mail is less than a year old, and apparantly, there are still not alot of OSC users using it yet. and there *has* been a contriubution added to supports Media Mail, as you found. It just was not maintained by the author, who was not part of the OSC development team.


especially when I made my needs clear at the beginning?

You specifically asked if OSC supported Media Mail? Somehow I doubt it.


Does it seem like I'm expecting folks to program a mod for me for free?

Uh, no one said or implied that you did. My comments were in response to 'not-so-nice posts' that stated that "osCommerce lures you in, and then makes you pay to get real functionality"


No one out there is using media rate?

I'm sure they are. Have you asked every sigle person who uses OSC? Do you expect that every single person who uses OSC has read this thread by now? For sure, there is not an active contribution to support Media Mail for a recent snapshot.


It's not something that I can easily do?  

I guess htat depends on your definition of 'easily'. Yes, it probably won't be too hard for me.


There are no workarounds that I could implement fairly easily?

Why would we need one? We can program a real solution.


I'd love it if someone would explain why the media rate is such a sensitive issue

Ummn, care to point out where anyone was being sesitive about getting quotes for media mail in OSC?


Moreover, I'd love it, if someone could at least point me in the right direction.  

Sure, open the /includes/modules/shipping/usps.php module, and take a look at how it connects to the USPS server, and what it passes it in order to return a live quote for it. Like I said, it's not going to be too difficult.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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OK, I'll take it easy...I just started searching on "media rate" and "media mail" and seeing posts with 0 replies, etc.


I have to admit that http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewtopic.php...ect+open+source did get me a bit riled up, and I started to feel like I had fallen into a "bait and hook" situation. If that's not the case, then great!



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There is a commercial channel within this Forum, which you could use to advertise for a programmer to build the "media rate" for you. If it is important to you, then you should consider paying for quick resolution.


It might be an idea however to actually explain what it is, how it works and where a potential developer can read more. :roll:

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well, taking a look a tthe things that guy was complaining about, it seems much ado about nothing.


My shop gives live quotes, provides the customer with tracking numbers, offers international rates, and everything else he was talking about, except, of course, media mail. And someone DID contribute a mod for that at one time.


There is no such thing as a solution that supports every single need for every single person.


And, if there is another Open source cart out there that has even *half* of the functiuonality this one does, then I have yet to come accross it. There are a few others that have a good start, but none are even close to this far along.


Personally, I just don't see how *anyone* can complain about something that free. and it's not a "bait and hook" situation. If you odn't like this solution, I'm sure HPDL will give you a 100% refund, no questions asked.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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Burt, is just a cheap domestic way to send packages through the USPS. It has to be some sort of 'Media' though. Books, software.. etc.


It takes about the same amount of time as 1st class mail, and costs about half. There's an old contribution to add it to the USPS module, but that mod has been rewritten a number of times, and 'Media Mai'l wasnt included.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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This issue has been open for a while:




I get the impression from wizardsandwars that one can't use an old contribution with a new snapshop (if I'm using those terms correctly), so http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,180 wouldn't work? Is that right? Should I try that contribution with the current snapshot?



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Well...it seems as if a few feathers have gotten ruffled here over this.


I guess in my opinion...should OSC support this shipping option...yes, however when OSC was first developed "media mail" was not in existence and as this program developed over time, it was such an "insignificant" addition that it got overlooked. I say "insignificant" as most users probably don't have a need for it, however for those that do need it, it can be a very significant addition. But then again....that's why many people submit contributions for this cart system. The development team is focussing on core coding changes to enhance speed, reliability and security. They could spend years incorporating all the contribs into the code most of which most people don't need. Out of the 940+ contributions available...I myself am only using a little over 20 of them.


Although it would be nice if an author posts a contribution they maintain and update it as OSC eveloves..this is not always possible and/or feasible.


Anyway...if you want to add Media Mail rates to your USPS shipping options all you need to do is the following (Special Note...Media rates are available domestically, however, I've found no evidence on USPS website that this rate is available internationally)



in    catalogincludesmodulesshippingusps.php

Find these lines (around line 46):

     $this->types = array('Express' => 'Express Mail',

                          'First Class' => 'First-Class Mail',

                          'Priority' => 'Priority Mail',

                          'Parcel' => 'Parcel Post');


and change to:

     $this->types = array('Express' => 'Express Mail',

                          'First Class' => 'First-Class Mail',

                          'Priority' => 'Priority Mail',

                          'Parcel' => 'Parcel Post',

      'Media' => 'Media Mail');




in catalogincludeslanguagesenglishmodulesshippingusps.php


Find this line:

define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_TEXT_DESCRIPTION', 'United States Postal Service<br><br>You will need to have registered an account with USPS at http://www.uspsprioritymail.com/et_regcert.html to use this module<br><br>USPS expects you to use pounds as weight measure for your products.');


and right after it add:




That's it.

Upload and Enjoy!


Hope this helps a little


I only do what my Rice Krispies tell me to do!

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I've already inserted your code, thanks! I'll post if I run into any difficulties. I'm not sure if 2 lines of code in 2 files constitutes a contribution, or if this thread will be enough for the other users out there looking to implement the media rate. What do you think?




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HI Greg,


I'm just curious, do you have other USPS contributions installed? I have the USPS choice mod installed, and it looks like this mod doesn't work on my shop.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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The only other I have installed is the package tracking (HTML) version that is combined with UPS and FedEx.


Are you using a newer snapshot of OSC?? That could be one of the reasons as to why it's not working. I'm just guessing at this though.



I only do what my Rice Krispies tell me to do!

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It might be a good idea to see about adding this contrib to the USPS Methods contrib. That would be a question for Brad Waite and Fritz Clapp. I'll dash them a note in a bit. I just downloaded their contrib, maybe the addition won't be too much trouble.


Right now, I'm assuming that I can make changes in the





files to configure which shipping options are available. I'll need to configure the German and Spanish shipping options as well. I may be shipping from Europe and the US (to make European shipping less expensive), so I might need to draw shipping info from different tables per target zone/country.




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  • 1 month later...

This form of shipping would be quite handy for me also, I am going to look into the code myself, it should be an easy addition, one because there are apps that do it already shipping assistant and stamps.com so I am sure it must be on the server already just needs to be tapped! :roll:

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