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The e-commerce.

Special customer fields per product/order


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I have search for something like this without any results (apparently), also on the contributes.



I need to make some special attributes to be filled by the customer.



I sell doors, with some attributes, like with and height measurements.

And I have on my catalogue some doors of 80 cm with, and height's of 200, 210, 220 cm.


In addition, i need to receive orders about special measurements, like 83x205 cm. They need to be filled by my customer.


Maybe a kind of attribute (like "special with" and "special height", instead 80 cm, and 200, 210, 220 cm), that forces them to input 2 more fields.


My suggestion is a checkbox field on the "Option Values", and a check rule on the check out module that forces input of the special measurements fields.

The ?Products Attributes? no need to be changed, so I can make ?Value Price? for this kind of Item Order.


If you could give-me some help, I will appreciate.


Tank you in advance,

Sorry my bad English,

Sorry if I go wrong on this forum index with this post. I?m beginning.



Jos? Lu?s

[email protected]

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