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Protx payment problem


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I recently tried to integrate the protx payment contrib into the following live site but am getting some odd problems:




In test mode (using testvendor as the password etc) I can see the protx payment option. However, when I try to make a test payment, the transaction runs very slowly and gives the browser warning indicating that the info. is being sent to a none secure site. On continuing with this, I do not get to the expected test server to enter card details etc but get sent back to the previous payment page.


When checking the protx test server transactions I can see the failed attempts with the following error message:


No comms to VPS: ErrorLevel=-2147012867, ErrorMessage=


Protx "support" were no help tonight so I'll call again tomorrow.


I searched the forums and found a few similar posts but nothing that has solved the problem so far (I tried deleting the spaces in the store name and store owner but no joy).


Any suggestions welcomed.




up the down escalator..........

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