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The e-commerce.

Updating from MS1 to MS2


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Don't listen du Dub.


If OsCommerce is made so you can't uppgrade without loosing all your previous data, then someone has dont something wrong. ESPECIALLY since this is only a .1 version update, and not like a version 3.0.


You can use mysqldiff.pl which is included in the release, to see the difference between the new and the old database. I would suggest you install OsCommerce from scratch, but side-by-side, with your current working shop. Then compare the databases, and do neseccary changes to the old one.

I would also think that whatever changes are made to the new database, they should have such reasonable default values that after altering the old db., things should work.


I'm going to try this later. Upgrading from 2.2ms1 to 2.2ms2.

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How about my sotre www.beautyskincare.com which has had a fair few mods done to it? Will I need to fresh install and do them all again? If I have to I will as 9/10 it will be just copy and pasting code.





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