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What do I use to edit php


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I tried using front page and that just totaly screwed up the file. What should I use to modify a php file?

thank you

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If you are using Windows then I would recommend you try Maguma Studio for PHP.


It is definitely one of the best Windows based PHP editors I have used, whats really handy apart from the code complete that if offers is syntax highlighting and more importantly a class browser so if you ever wondered what other files a OSC files was including the class browser will display the correct file and also display any classes, functions etc so you can jump straight to them.


The editor also includes a built-in debugger for PHP which is useful if you do allot of testing on your local server.


I am not plugging the software, just being honest - the proper answer would be "ditch Micro$oft, get a decent edition of Linux (the new distros are in a class of their own) and use the really scary but powerful Quanta Editor for Linux, this thing eats everything else for breakfast".


Heres the link for Maguma http://www.maguma.com





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