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shipping charges per item ++ with a twist


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i need to have two diffrent shipping charges for two product categories

in addition i need to add extra for each additional product purchased

for example say prod. cat. A base shipping is $6, prod. cat. B base shipping is $4,, i need to have base price from the prod. cat. + an extra

$1 with additional prod. cat. A and $2 for additional prod. cat. B

hope this makes sense to you guys if not ask away i'll try to explain :?:


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Thx for that one dmGremlin

i'm already working on it when i'm done if it works i'd like to put it back in the contrib.. area

are you up for it? if so pm me a way to get some zips over to you

once again thx :wink:

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ok i got it workink in a way

but i have a bit of a problem i have more than one product in two categories and this is what happens i have set two base prices

cat a= 5.95 +1 for additionals

cat b=7.95 +2 for additionals

so now when someone orders a 5 products of category A shipping is correct but when they add,, say 2 more of the same cat. A, but diffrent product the shipping

becomes 5.95 again plus 1 for the additional

and so on and so on, any way to avoid this or should i be looking elsewhere,,,

it all comes to this i need one base price whichever is higher from two categories

plus each additional product will be an X amount extra added to the total


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Well problem solved, fore those of you searching

for this kind of solution, eventually it will show up in the

contributions section, till then you can pm me i'll try to

help you out.

Here are the details of the shipping mod:

there are two new tables added to the DB

individual shipping price, and qty. shipping price, both are in the admin. product description section, so you may set the prices for all products seperatly. The mod calculates shipping price by checking contents of the cart and picking the highest base price, (indiv. price), and adding up the rest by (qty. price) for all additionals.

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