ldavies83 Posted July 15, 2003 Share Posted July 15, 2003 I've just checked with a fellow OSCer and they had the "Buy Now" button enabled on category view from install on their install. My version is MS1 would there be any reason anyone can think of why I do not have the link showing? Is it an admin option that I've turned off? I have attached my Code Listing for the above file, and I can see the Buy Now is referenced. Another clue may be the table look take a look at www.starchsupplies.co.uk/catalog/ and click the only category showing. As you can see the text headers are all uppercase (possibly a CSS thing, but havent checked) and there is a '+' at the end of 'Product Name' and no such symbol in the define section of default.php. Anyway heres my code listing: <?php /* $Id: product_listing.php,v 1.41 2003/02/12 23:55:58 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ ?> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <?php $listing_numrows_sql = $listing_sql; $listing_split = new splitPageResults($HTTP_GET_VARS['page'], MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, $listing_sql, $listing_numrows); // fix counted products $listing_numrows = tep_db_query($listing_numrows_sql); $listing_numrows = tep_db_num_rows($listing_numrows); if ( ($listing_numrows > 0) && ( (PREV_NEXT_BAR_LOCATION == '1') || (PREV_NEXT_BAR_LOCATION == '3') ) ) { ?> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="smallText"> <?php echo $listing_split->display_count($listing_numrows, MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'], TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS); ?> </td> <td align="right" class="smallText"> <?php echo TEXT_RESULT_PAGE; ?> <?php echo $listing_split->display_links($listing_numrows, MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, MAX_DISPLAY_PAGE_LINKS, $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'], tep_get_all_get_params(array('page', 'info', 'x', 'y'))); ?> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator(); ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td> <?php $list_box_contents = array(); $list_box_contents[] = array('params' => 'class="productListing-heading"'); $cur_row = sizeof($list_box_contents) - 1; for ($col=0, $n=sizeof($column_list); $col<$n; $col++) { switch ($column_list[$col]) { case 'PRODUCT_LIST_MODEL': $lc_text = TABLE_HEADING_MODEL; $lc_align = ''; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_NAME': $lc_text = TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS; $lc_align = ''; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_MANUFACTURER': $lc_text = TABLE_HEADING_MANUFACTURER; $lc_align = ''; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_PRICE': $lc_text = TABLE_HEADING_PRICE; $lc_align = 'right'; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_QUANTITY': $lc_text = TABLE_HEADING_QUANTITY; $lc_align = 'right'; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_WEIGHT': $lc_text = TABLE_HEADING_WEIGHT; $lc_align = 'right'; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_IMAGE': $lc_text = TABLE_HEADING_IMAGE; $lc_align = 'center'; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_BUY_NOW': $lc_text = TABLE_HEADING_BUY_NOW; $lc_align = 'center'; break; } if ( ($column_list[$col] != 'PRODUCT_LIST_BUY_NOW') && ($column_list[$col] != 'PRODUCT_LIST_IMAGE') ) { $lc_text = tep_create_sort_heading($HTTP_GET_VARS['sort'], $col+1, $lc_text); } $list_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => $lc_align, 'params' => 'class="productListing-heading"', 'text' => ' ' . $lc_text . ' '); } if ($listing_numrows > 0) { $number_of_products = '0'; $listing_query = tep_db_query($listing_sql); while ($listing = tep_db_fetch_array($listing_query)) { $number_of_products++; if (($number_of_products/2) == floor($number_of_products/2)) { $list_box_contents[] = array('params' => 'class="productListing-even"'); } else { $list_box_contents[] = array('params' => 'class="productListing-odd"'); } $cur_row = sizeof($list_box_contents) - 1; for ($col=0, $n=sizeof($column_list); $col<$n; $col++) { $lc_align = ''; switch ($column_list[$col]) { case 'PRODUCT_LIST_MODEL': $lc_align = ''; $lc_text = ' ' . $listing['products_model'] . ' '; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_NAME': $lc_align = ''; if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) { $lc_text = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'manufacturers_id=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'] . '&products_id=' . $listing['products_id']) . '">' . $listing['products_name'] . '</a>'; } else { $lc_text = ' <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, ($cPath ? 'cPath=' . $cPath . '&' : '') . 'products_id=' . $listing['products_id']) . '">' . $listing['products_name'] . '</a> '; } break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_MANUFACTURER': $lc_align = ''; $lc_text = ' <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'manufacturers_id=' . $listing['manufacturers_id']) . '">' . $listing['manufacturers_name'] . '</a> '; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_PRICE': $lc_align = 'right'; if (tep_not_null($listing['specials_new_products_price'])) { $lc_text = ' <s>' . $currencies->display_price($listing['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($listing['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</s> <span class="productSpecialPrice">' . $currencies->display_price($listing['specials_new_products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($listing['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</span> '; } else { $lc_text = ' ' . $currencies->display_price($listing['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($listing['products_tax_class_id'])) . ' '; } break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_QUANTITY': $lc_align = 'right'; $lc_text = ' ' . $listing['products_quantity'] . ' '; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_WEIGHT': $lc_align = 'right'; $lc_text = ' ' . $listing['products_weight'] . ' '; break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_IMAGE': $lc_align = 'center'; if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) { $lc_text = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'manufacturers_id=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'] . '&products_id=' . $listing['products_id']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $listing['products_image'], $listing['products_name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a>'; } else { $lc_text = ' <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, ($cPath ? 'cPath=' . $cPath . '&' : '') . 'products_id=' . $listing['products_id']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $listing['products_image'], $listing['products_name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a> '; } break; case 'PRODUCT_LIST_BUY_NOW': $lc_align = 'center'; $lc_text = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=buy_now&products_id=' . $listing['products_id']) . '">' . tep_image_button('button_buy_now.gif', TEXT_BUY . $listing['products_name'] . TEXT_NOW) . '</a> '; break; } $list_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => $lc_align, 'params' => 'class="productListing-data"', 'text' => $lc_text); } } new tableBox($list_box_contents, true); echo ' </td>' . "n" . ' </tr>' . "n"; } else { ?> <tr class="productListing-odd"> <td class="smallText"> <?php echo (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id']) ? TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS2 : TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator(); ?></td> </tr> <?php if ( ($listing_numrows > 0) && ((PREV_NEXT_BAR_LOCATION == '2') || (PREV_NEXT_BAR_LOCATION == '3')) ) { ?> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="smallText"> <?php echo $listing_split->display_count($listing_numrows, MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'], TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS); ?> </td> <td align="right" class="smallText"> <?php echo TEXT_RESULT_PAGE; ?> <?php echo $listing_split->display_links($listing_numrows, MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, MAX_DISPLAY_PAGE_LINKS, $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'], tep_get_all_get_params(array('page', 'info', 'x', 'y'))); ?> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> Contribs Written: Nochex APC Payment Module, Cheque Payment Module Contribs Updated: Information Pages Unlimited, Latest News V1 You've gotta be Quick on the Draw in this game! 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Guest Posted July 15, 2003 Share Posted July 15, 2003 In the administration/configuration/products listings ...enable the: display buy now column HTH The_Bear Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ldavies83 Posted July 15, 2003 Author Share Posted July 15, 2003 Thanks T_B, Knew it was something simple I now stand ashamed :oops: Contribs Written: Nochex APC Payment Module, Cheque Payment Module Contribs Updated: Information Pages Unlimited, Latest News V1 You've gotta be Quick on the Draw in this game! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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