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FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini


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I've just setup a fresh version of 2.2MS2 and am getting the error message,


FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!


even though Server Info says it's on.


Also, if I just press the refresh button, usually the page re-displays normally.


Any ideas?

Anyone else having this problem?



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When I went to add "php_value register_globals 1" as you suggested, I found that there is already a line like that commented out (common problem it seems).


I notice that there is a line right above it that reads, "php_value session.use_trans_sid 0". Any idea what that command trys to fix? I'm wondering if I should un-comment it as well or leave well enough alone.

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When connecting to the host can you access this location:




If you can, change the register_globals to On (making sure it appears as On and NOT on). This can be done by downloading the file in ASCII format and open it in Notepad. Ammend the line which is approximately one third of the way down under the heading "Data Handling", then save and upload.


This should resolve the problem, if not contact the hosting company and ask then if they would do this for you. Most are more than happy to assist.

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Just looked. register_globals is already set to On (not on).

Thanks for trying. Sence editing the .htaccess file, as per Tomatito's instructions, I havn't had the problem (knock on wood).



The_Bear :


Sorry about that. Wasn't trying to drum up business for them.

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Anyone have any ideas how to resolve the exact same problem on a server that is running Microsoft-IIS, rather than Apache?


IIS doesn't support the Apache .htaccess file.

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Ok, as you mentioned, it is set to On in php.ini.

Now when was this set to On??

The machine, or at least the services, needs to be restarted for the change to take effect.


Just a thought! :D

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It was set to 'On' by the hosting company. The date on the file is 10/14/2000. I can only assume that the server has been restarted since then. ;)


But thanks for following up.

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