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USPSMethods does not show as a shipping option


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I am having the problems making USPSMethods 2.4 work.

I have installed USPSMethods 2.4. My account has been moved to Production. When I enable the module it does nothing. It does not show up as a shipping option in my shopping cart (http://www.shopdr.com/catalog/checkout_shipping.php), while other installed modules do.


One very weird thing is that when I enter my Login and PW information in the module it deletes the first four characters. So for example, if my login ID is 1234SHOP5678 and my password is 4321SHOP8765, after enabling the module it shows it as "SHOP5678" and "SHOP8765" (without the quotes). Under "Which server to use" it only displays "uction" (without the quotes), again deleting the first four characters. My options come up exactly as follows:


USPS Options



Domestic Shipping Methods

Express, , ass, Parcel,


Int'l Shipping Methods

ment, Document, Express, Lg, Sm, Var, Letter, Parcel, Letter, Post,


I have tried enabling and disabling it several times, and even including the email suggestion at line 273, but I get not email from the module.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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