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The e-commerce.

Email Confirmation


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I've installed the sample store using osCommerce 2.2ms2 on an Apache server. After getting the file permissions correct (on linux), I started to try out the features. Unless I have done something stupid, I see a serious problem with email from osCommerce.


When you register a new user, you are prompted to input an email address. Unlike this forum system, osCommerce DOES NOT REQUIRE a unique activation access to a special web page. This means that I can go to a competitors store and register a spamtrap email address or the address of a serious spam hater to a non-confirmed newsletter or even to the regular store email. This will result in a TOS (terms of service) violation with the ISP - you ARE spamming.


Repeated violations will end up with the ISP on an email block list - or with the store being kicked off of the ISP. Are there any plans to add a confirmation step similar to the one used in this forum to osCommerce? I believe that it would be a good idea...

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hope i get you right...


For my MS1 i use this contribution



It will send a random generated password to the customers email after signup process..

The customer can only login when he received the email containing his password..






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Holy Cow! Somehow I missed the entire "contributions" tree. That was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much! :D

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It's not clear to me, but I believe that the EU has some draconian rules about spam going into effect in October. Italy has jumped the gun and put these rules into place already. There's also some strict rules about privacy policy that the common market has in place.


I would like a combination of the "number as an image" patch to foil robot signups, and the "email confirmation" patch mentioned above implemented in the mainline of osCommerce. While we're at it, the "must agree" patch to checkout is something that I need even though I don't deal with the EU (yet). I'm unclear on the path that features get added into osCommerce. Do I simply beg, or can I contribute cash somewhere to get these features added?


The base code seems to be high quality and my understanding is that it's done on a volunteer basis. Is there somewhere to "prime the pump" on features? Sort of "vote with your wallet"? I'd prefer to pay once, rather than to leave myself with an ongoing maintenance problem.

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