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Changing the default currency?!


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hi all, im trying to change the default currency on the program and it says to go into catalog/includes/application_top.php to change it. I can't see an entry in this file though for define('DEFAULT_CURRENCY', 'USD');

Anyone know how to do it?

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Your default currency is set in Admin - Localization - Currencies.

The only thing you might want to change in the php files is the LANGUAGE_CURRENCY if, for example, you wanted to make the currency Sterling if English was the language selected. That value can be found in includes/languages/english.php (and the other related language files as well, of course).

Regards, Wizzud

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

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Cheers for the quick reply, im still having probelms though. The default currency was set to Euro but when you log onto the site it was displaying everything in USDollars?? Would the files that get edited be write protected in some way or what could the other possible causes be? Thanks :D

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I found it at last. To change the default currency go to:




and change the USD to EUR in the line define('DEFAULT_CURRENCY', 'USD');




That FAQ needs updating... :?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried to do this but on doing a search in the said document in Dreamweaver this code could not be found and even doing a manual search brought no sign of default currency.

At the moment everytime you move through the site you have to click on UK Pounds everytime as it keeps defaulting to USD even though I have already set UK Pounds as the default currency within the admin...HELP!

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I repeat:

The only thing you might want to change in the php files is the LANGUAGE_CURRENCY if, for example, you wanted to make the currency Sterling if English was the language selected. That value can be found in includes/languages/english.php (and the other related language files as well, of course).

In, for example, includes/languages/english.php you will find

// if USE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CURRENCY is true, use the following currency, instead of the applications default currency (used when changing language)


Change 'USD' to 'GBP', and take note of the comment above it!

Regards, Wizzud

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

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