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SSL part on installation with new MS2


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I am just doing a fresh install and want to make sure I make my installation as secure as possbile.

I have come to the part of the installation which asks for a secure www address and have entered https://secure102.co.uk/~my_domain_name

No problem up until now.

1) It now asks me for Secure Cookie Domain, is this the same address as above?

2) Next I am askded for Secure Cookie Path.

Currently my structure is /home/userid/public_html/ so am I righ in assuming I need to create a folder say cookies and make my Secure Cookie Path /home/userid/public_html/cookies ?

3) I have also read about putting things like admin folder outside of /public_html If so, how can you point a browser at it?


Thanks for any help.



"May the seam be with you"

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If at the beginning of your installation you add automatic configuration checked, then what you see by default is the correct path.




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I have tried that and still no joy. In fact, I have had about a dozen attempts now of trying to get the new version up and running but am failing miserably, I had no problems at all with MS1 :shock:


Could someone who is using a shared SSL please put up some sample config files so that I can at least get going.

Basically my webspace path is


and my secure server is



I have got it to the stage now wherby when you create a new user you get the https address in the address bar but no secure padlock and when you try and login as that person it just bounces you back to the main login screen again. I know this is a path problem I just need some working config examples to go by.

Many thanks for any help.



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