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downloadable products question


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i cannot get this function to work. i add the attributes but do not understand what goes in the option name and value fields. no instructions for this. so when i purchase a product i do not get any link.


how can i do test sales without using my credit card each time?


thank you very much.


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i cannot get this function to work. i add the attributes but do not understand what goes in the option name and value fields. no instructions for this. so when i purchase a product i do not get any link.
Attributes have three parts that you have to create. The first is a name to describe the attribute (Option Name). For example, if your product is shirts, you might have an attribute with option name, Size. The second are possible values for the option (Option Value). For example, if your option name is Size, the value might be Medium or Large. The final thing to do is to associate the Option Names and Values with products as attributes. Remember, you have to create Option Names and Values before the Attributes.
how can i do test sales without using my credit card each time?
I enabled the COD payment module to do this.


Good luck,


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