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default.php to index.php 2.2ms2


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With the new version of 2.2ms2 the default.php was replaced with index.php.

Now all the links from a search engine are pointing to "default.php" are invalid as it changed to "index.php" in URL


How to redirect them to the right place?




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Or create a default.php with the following contents:



header('Location: http://example.com/catalog/index.php');




Replace example.com with the correct path.

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Dave, it gave me the following error:


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/sysconcept_ca/catalog/default.php:1) in /var/www/html/sysconcept_ca/catalog/default.php on line 2


I've tried two combinations:

header('Location: http://www.sysconcept.ca/index.php');


header('Location: http://www.sysconcept.ca/catalog/index.php');


The same error message comes up.





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In your case, header('Location: http://www.sysconcept.ca/index.php'); should be correct.


That error could occur if there are extraneous characters (spaces, line breaks, etc.) outside of the <?php ?> brackets.


I was just curious about the error. I use redirection scripts such as this without any problems.


Since the other method works for you, you may not want to spend time diagnosing this. :)

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Dave, you are right.

I've copied your script but for some reason or another where was an extra space in the beginning and at the end. Removing that space fixed the problem.


I like your solution too. :D





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Google doesn't like redirects... creating the forwarding script wil cause a dip in your google ranking while google notices that the default.php page is no longer in use, and before it fully picks up index.php.


I would keep both files in place until index.php has been fully indexed by google, then go for the redirect option.

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Thanks for the hint, so I will just make a copy of index.php with name default.php I guess.


I remember the times when Yahoo :D was a "King" search engine and they had better indexing method. My web-page pages were almost at the top for any particular keywords. Their indexing method was fair; Google is just paying games with our web-pages (one day your are there the next day you are not).

In addition I could find any anything I want it, even by part number.


Now when Google :twisted: is in power everything is screwed. I wish somebody (except Microsoft) had replaced them.




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