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Strange behavior on language change


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I have been using Osc for a few weeks now and everything was fine until today :?

My installation: Oscommerce 2.2 (May 03 version) with Shoppe enhancement controler v 1.0b running on a Win2k server with IIS 5.

The site (training.creascience.com) is bilingual English/French and I use a different subdomain (formations.creascience.com) for the French version of the site, although this is not fully working yet.

The problem I noticed today is the following:

- if I start say in English and stay in English, everything works fine.

- if I start in English and switch to French, the page is first correctly changed to French, but as soon as I click on any link on the new page, it switches back to English after which back to French and so on.

- Exactly the same happens when I start from French instead.

The only way to switch permanently the language consists of clicking twice the flag back to back.

Any idea on what might be causing this?



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Why not? :D

I guess my French-speaking clients like to see a url with French wording in it instead of English. People are quite sensitive to this around here.

But anyway, this does not seem to be the cause of the problem: I cancelled all changes related to this and it did not solve anything.

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