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SSL for both www and non-www domain?


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Do I need a separate SSL cert for www.domain.com and domain.com? My host has an automated CSR generator and it asks if I need the SSL for www.domain.com or domain.com. If I only buy for one of them, will the other not be secure? Thanks in advance.


I beleive that it does not matter. On my site I bought my SSL for www.discountmagazinehouse.com


You can use discountmagazinehouse.com and when you log in it will go to https://www.discountmagazinehouse.com




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Do I need a separate SSL cert for www.domain.com and domain.com? My host has an automated CSR generator and it asks if I need the SSL for www.domain.com or domain.com. If I only buy for one of them, will the other not be secure? Thanks in advance.


Depends on WHICH TYPE you by. By Site (https://www.mysite.com or https://mysite.com or https://store.mysite.com or https://www.store.mysite.com - each one is differnt), or you may buy one that is by Domain (<anything here>.mysite.com like all listed in above example).


Most other things are FUFF (IMHO) to do with strength (you should ONLY get 128 bit) and extras like a "SITE SEAL" and how they verifiy your IDENITY and such.


BTW - you can do a "self signed" SSL for FREE (good for test servers and localhost backup ect) but is not trusted by the browser - manual install to trust.

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