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The e-commerce.

Cart On-Off and Customization of OsCommerce


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Hi guys, tell me if you like this:


A button to turn off-line the cart system, so if you set the cart off the links and images that "add to cart" will not be published (and it must check the url to prevent hack) so the catalog stills on-line but the customers can?t by.


Ok, it could be done manually but there are a lot of files to change...

I know that putting "0" in all products they will not be sold but that?s not the idea....


Another suggestion:

Why not include in "registration" or in a new "customization" form the product categories of interest to customize the shop every time a customer signs in.

It would be used to customize newslletters too...

I think this would be a usefull idea....


Maybe there is a contribution... if any of you know about it please tell me...


What do you think about those proposals???

Sorry... I?m not a coder.... I can only modify a few code and layout to my needs..


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