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The e-commerce.

Explaning the rate of tax payable


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I have a shop which sells products of which some are taxable, and some are not.


I am running MS1 and have set "show tax inclusive prices" - this works well. The products which are tax-exempt show their standard price. The products which are taxable show their tax-inclusive price.... great


HOWEVER, I would like to be able to say on the product_info.php page for each product "This price includes VAT at 17.5%" or "This product is VAT exempt".


I'm sure this should be a simple modification ("IF tax type=1 then print "This price includes...." else if tax type=2 then print "This product is VAT exempt..."), though I'm not very well versed in this kind of programming.


I've looked over the many VAT-related questions and posts, and don't see this query being answered. I'd be very grateful to anyone able to point me in the direction of such a modification/contribution. If none exists, I'd like to pay someone to create one, and then perhaps release it as a contribution on its own.


Please reply or drop me a message if you think you may be able to help


Many thanks.



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Many thanks to iiinetworks who helped me with this one off-list. For the benefit of the archives for anyone looking in the future for a way of detailing on product listing or product detail pages if a price includes VAT / tax or not - he's the guy to get in touch with.


Examples: Product Detail page and Product Listing page.


(Apologies if in the future these products are replaced with others... manipulate the URL to get to a similar page!)

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