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PayPal IPN v0.98 for Milestone 2 released!


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v0.981 has just been released!


If fix a known bug with orders getting order_status = 0.


Please send all feedback here


best regards

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yes, please explain :)


Taken from the readme:




As the contrib name says, it is a payment module to make use of the Paypal IPN (Instant Payment Notification).

With IPN you have the benefit of receive an advice each time an user send money to you.


This contrib is developed to identify for which order the user is making the payment.

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Hi, I was wondering if you install the PayPal IPN module, would you no longer need the regular paypal module installed? Since if you try to checkout it'll ask you wheather you want to use PayPal or PayPal IPN to checkout.?



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Hi again, while i was testing a dummy account i noticed that if you choose to checkout with paypal ipn, and never really finish the checkout. Inside the My Account you see the status of Previous Orders, and it'll say "PayPal Processing", but when you click on view you see the order history although u never really bought the item, is there a way to have it so the buyer can complete the process from there? Or something that'll remove this history since they never completed the transactaion?



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I installed the v0.98 version. is there an easy update way to upgrade to v0.981


maybe a small modification somewhere, dont really want to go over the whole install again if its just a minor fix.


v0.981 (Released 16/07/2003)


- Fixed problem with orders getting order_status = 0 when configuring the module to "Default Order Status"


Cheers Lee

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I'm using 2.2ms2 with PayPal IPN v0.981 and couple things have turned up.


It seems to only work live with "Use cURL" set to "False" even though it is detected on my system.


With "Use cURL" set to "True", orders are left at "PayPal Processing" and a TXN Id is not created, but a PayPal payment is sent and successfully made (I get a payment notification from PayPal.com). Also, the customer's shopping cart is not emptied (because it doesn't think the order is finalized even though the PayPal payment was made).


Also, I can't delete any of the TXN Id's. I click "Delete" and then "Delete" again when asked "Are you sure you want to delete this transaction?"


However, when I first had "Use cURL" set to "True" and "Test Mode" set to "True", a TXN Id was made both times I tested. Also, I was able to delete the TXN Id's from "Test Mode".


The only thing I changed between "Test Mode" and a live order was (1) setting "Use cURL" to "False" and (2) the following:




I changed:





...becuase I wanted the payment options at checkout to say "PayPal" and not "PayPal IPN". This shouldn't affect the above, should it?


Any ideas?



Justin =)

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First I want to ask if there is anyone answering the questions on this forum? I see a lot of questions (including my own), but no answers posted. I have IPN installed on my site and I am at the testing stages. I have placed order through IPN and followed them through all the way through PayPal and back into the starting website (mine). Everything looked good, and the payment did process properly on both accounts (mine and the buyers).


I have three problems. The order still says PayPal Processing.

I have nothing in my PayPal IPN transactions.

My item quantities have not changed. The item qty should be decreased by the amount ordered.


I have made some assumptions in doing the IPN install, since I could not find any answers on this forum or from the contributor:


I only need PayPal IPN to process orders through PayPal. I DO NOT need the normal PayPal module installed.

The Notify URL is set to mysite/catalog/paypal_notify.php

And use cURL is set to TRUE

Test Mode is set to FALSE

Set Order Status is set to PAYPAL PROCESSING


Now, if there is anyone on this forum answering questions, I will be most happy to find the answers to my problems.


If I do not receive a reply on the forum, then I have to assume that this contribution is not valid and start searching for an alternative. And maybe this forum needs to be removed so that people are not left with the false impression that they can find answers to their questions here.


Take Care, Sharon

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Just wanted to add one statement to my other questions. The writeup under this contribution says:

Receive payments using PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification).


That is what made me assume that I SHOULD NOT install the normal PayPal module along with this module. The statement made the contribution sound as if everything was in it to 'receive payments'. Please correct me if I am wrong and if you know.


Take Care, Sharon

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I have three problems. The order still says PayPal Processing.

I have nothing in my PayPal IPN transactions.

My item quantities have not changed. The item qty should be decreased by the amount ordered.


I have made some assumptions in doing the IPN install, since I could not find any answers on this forum or from the contributor:


I only need PayPal IPN to process orders through PayPal. I DO NOT need the normal PayPal module installed.

The Notify URL is set to mysite/catalog/paypal_notify.php

And use cURL is set to TRUE

Test Mode is set to FALSE

Set Order Status is set to PAYPAL PROCESSING

I'm still having a problem with the contribution myself (see my previous post), but to answer your question. Yes those assumptions are true.


However, to address your set of problems, change "Use cURL" to "False", despite it being detected on your system. When I did this, as stated in my above post, I stopped having the problem of orders still saying "PayPal Processing" and having nothing in my PayPal IPN transactions.


I hope this helps. Good luck to both of us.


Justin =)

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I have it up and running and yes it is working fine, depletes qty, etc. My question is do I have to have both IPN and PayPal running or can I just use IPN? And what should I set the Order Status to in the ADMIN payment module to get this to reset when PayPal has finished their part. And what, pray tell, will it reset to. I don't see one in there that says PayPal completed.


For those of you that are having trouble, make sure that your email address for PayPal in ADMIN is set to one of your 4 allowable email addresses in your PayPal account. And make sure that PayPal has activated your IPN for them.


Thanks and take care, Sharon

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I have answered one of my questions through a little trial. I removed the normal PayPal module and ordered a product followed it through to PayPal IPN and clicked the Pay button. It went through my store fine, updated quantities, etc..


Now for my second question. I have tried, process, paypal processing, and pending. The paid orders always show whatever it is that I set it to in ADMIN. They never change the status. The only ones left are default and delivered. Duh, guess what I will try next.


Well I tried it, but it switched it from default to Processing. I am going to look into the coding further.


Take Care, Sharon

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I know where it has to be changed. I just don't know how to do the php coding. Another status level has to be added to the order_status table. Maybe a 4 order_status_id for PayPal Complete. Then in paypal_notifiy.php, around this area of paypal_notify.php change the status to the number 4 in the table_orders.


$sql_data_array = array('orders_status' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALIPN_ORDER_STATUS_ID);




$customer_notification = (SEND_EMAILS == 'true') ? '1' : '0';

$sql_data_array = array('orders_id' => $item_number,


'date_added' => 'now()',

'customer_notified' => $customer_notification);

tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY, $sql_data_array);


I am just not a php programmer. Old RPG, COBOL, Assembler, and APL. That oughta tell my age. I will forward this on to the last person who modified the contribution. Maybe they will add it.


Take Care, Sharon

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