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Checkout Wrong after adding PWA Config


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After successfully installing the Purchase Without Account , I have run into a problem on checkout. After filling out shipping information and clicking continue it takes you directly to choice of payment. When it should be taking you to shipping method. Then after you hit continue again it takes you to confirm order. Then when you hit confirm order, it takes you to shipping method. After you select that it takes you to payment module. Then after that it takes you to Confirm order again.

Anyway I know you have the point. I need to eliminate the first two methods, but how?...I did not change or add anything that would cause this, not that i am aware of at least. :) BTW I have searched and searched these forums before posting my question. Please help!!!...to see what i am talking about you can visit my site at http://www.fmrstl.com ...Thank you in advance so much for your help....



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