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upgrade to latest verson?


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The question you have to ask yourself is why upgrade? Is there something in MS2 that you cant get with MS1?


I mean why throw away all the time you spent on your MS1 site, just to say you have MS2. Are your customers going to notice a difference? Most likley not.

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Well, one argument for upgrading, is that is help you become even more familiar with the software. And, new contributions will be written to comply with the latest versions. If you don't upgrade, you will ery soon find yourself in the same situation that many old OSC 2.1 shop owners now find themselves in. The have to learn the whole thing allover again.


Personally, I've upgraded 3 times since last August. Each time I get faster and faster, and learn more and more., and it gets easier and easier.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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Well i guess my next question has to be, is there some kind of guide to upgrading? I mean where do I even start?


You will very soon find yourself in the same situation that many old OSC 2.1 shop owners now find themselves


This is why I feel the need to upgrade, I know how software works, if you dont keep up you get left behind!


Thanks for your help so far people

Glen Young

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I haven't tried to print any receipts, but personally I wouldn't print them from the shop even if I could.


I use quickbooks to print invoices and keep track of everything. Makes it real simple when it comes around to tax time.

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