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Setting up database on install


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I am very new to the osCommerce Shopping cart and have a few quick questions.


1. Where to place the catalog files: I have placed the catalog files under my public_html directory on my account (through a hosting provider). My concern is that as I can access the install and other directories via the web won't other people be able to do this as well? Or are the files meant to be in the root directory which is before the public_html directory? (My domain name points to the public_html directory)


2. Creating the database: As I don't have access to mySQLadmin and those tools how do I create the database and query the .SQL file over the database to fill it?

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That is all done during install. After install you can remove the install directory and reset the configure.php files to 644

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2. Creating the database: As I don't have access to mySQLadmin and those tools how do I create the database and query the .SQL file over the database to fill it?
Are you sure your host provides database support? Some web server accounts do not include DB access. If it does provide DB access, it must offer some method to configure it.


Good luck,


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