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available options


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I"M sorry if this is a repost (i tried searching to see if it was posted already but no luck )


I wanted to know, I want to modify the arrangement of my available options. I am unable to do this through the admin for whatever reason.


I'm using the 5-18-2003 with sec1_0b


How do i chane the arrangement of my available options that are displayed under product_info.php ??


If your answer is throuh phpmyadmin, can you be a bit speciific please ...


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Well, the thing is that the snapshot 5-18-2003 with linda's sec1_0b already contains the Attributes Sorter & Copier.


I alraedy have the two products up on the net.


Currently when a person clicks on a product,


its shows them the following


Available Options:

1st Color Imprint (a drop down of all the option values for this)

2nd Color Imprint: (a drop down of all the option values for this)

Color: (a drop down of all the option values for this)

Width: (a drop down of all the option values for this)


what i want to re-arrange not the stuff on the drop down, but the actual options. What i want is this:


Width: (a drop down of all the option values for this)

Color: (a drop down of all the option values for this)

2nd Color Imprint: (a drop down of all the option values for this)

1st Color Imprint (a drop down of all the option values for this)


I just want to re-arrange them. thanks.

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