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The e-commerce.

M2 Contributions forum


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Why not have a contribution forum for thw new M2 release?


Theres many mods that need updating and having just one contributions forums is kinda messy for thoes who wish to deal with M2 only.

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Should we then have a MS2 - July 16th, MS2 - July 17th, MS2 - July 18th, etc forum as well? OSC is and has always been a moving target. :wink:

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I agree, it's something that's needed.


It would be great if someone would be kind enough to take the existing hacks and make a beefed up/bloated 2.2 install which includes some of the better mods like affiliates, multiple size images, etc...


It sure would save allot of people time from hacking the core.

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It would be great if someone would be kind enough to take the existing hacks and make a beefed up/bloated 2.2.
It's not a matter of being kind enough to do so... it's just that the final product wouldn't be classed as osCommerce, hence wouldn't be supported as per the official version.
It sure would save allot of people time from hacking the core.

The core would be hacked with either way... just that it would be hacked with the same way if there was one 'loaded' version out there.

"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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Dayglo, I'm considering doing a beefed up osc just so that I have it for my own installs that I do, but like TB pointed out this would be unsupported so it may be something you should look into creating for yourself.

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In regards to the MS2 contributions only forum - it would be better if all of the topic contained indicators as to which version they work with.


A few examples,

MS2 only - Wish list (obviously only works in MS2)

MS1-MS2 - Gift vouchers (works on MS1 and MS2 versions).


A forum dedicated to only to certain versions is not feasible especially since there are still 2 more milestones to go before 2.2 is completed.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein

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