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Translate month & day


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I just finished translating 2.2 MS2 to Swedish and im pretty satisfied with the result apart from one thing..


The "new products for July" box still says July instead of the Swedish spelling and i cant find the place to edit this.


Same thing in the bottom where todays date is.


Where can i translate the month/day to make it display correctly?

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new products is called products_new.php in english, there is one also in catalog / the date is in footer.php catalog/includes/footer.php

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You need to change your locale in includes/languages/swedish.php. You can use includes/languages/english.php as a template for determining where to put this.


Good luck,


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, I have the same problem with Italian in specials.php


I have the english names of months even if I browse in Italian and can't find the file to change it by language. It's definitively not in include/languages/italian/specials.php


Any ideas ?


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I?m also VERY interested in that translation!

Would be greatful if you could send it to me too!

[email protected]


It looks like we don't have such a luck because it seems that he don't want to share the translation with us. I have started to translate it myself but it will take some time before I'm finished with it.


Maybe we can help each other with it, I am translating the Catalog files right now so if someone could do the admin part it would be great. I will release the files when its done.

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I?m also VERY interested in that translation!

Would be greatful if you could send it to me too!

[email protected]


It looks like we don't have such a luck because it seems that he don't want to share the translation with us. I have started to translate it myself but it will take some time before I'm finished with it.


Maybe we can help each other with it, I am translating the Catalog files right now so if someone could do the admin part it would be great. I will release the files when its done.


Sure, I?ll help you. Mail or PM me

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I?m also VERY interested in that translation!

Would be greatful if you could send it to me too!

[email protected]


It looks like we don't have such a luck because it seems that he don't want to share the translation with us. I have started to translate it myself but it will take some time before I'm finished with it.


Maybe we can help each other with it, I am translating the Catalog files right now so if someone could do the admin part it would be great. I will release the files when its done.


Sure, I?ll help you. Mail or PM me


Great, it will save me big time :D I have mailed you.

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You should upload the translations as a contribution. It will save you some bandwidth and bring you in compliance with forum rules. You can release as version .5 if you want the complete version (with admin) to be 1.0.




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I wouldn't worry about it. The goal is for everything to be available in the Contributions area. If there are other places, that's fine so long as there is a copy available in the contributions area.


The problem with the other way is that eventually you might want to rearrange your server, etc. Now, there is a copy available under osC control regardless of what you do.




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