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The e-commerce.

Can "Quantity in stock" be specified for size/colo


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Hello all.


This seems like a basic catalog need, and so I hope I am overlooking something obvious.


Is it possible to have osCommerce keep track of items in stock based not just on the item description page, but on variations of that item, such as size, model, color, etc?


My question is difficult to explain so I'll give an example!


I sell, among other things, Doohickys. All Doohickys are generaly the same, they just come in different sizes and colors. I only really want ONE page in my catalog devoted to describing and selling Doohickys, but I need to keep track of all the different size/color combos of Doohickeys I have in stock.


Doohickys in stock

-1 small red

-0 small blue

-6 large red

-3 large blue



Is there a way for osCommerce to do this? Or do I need a seperate item listing page for EVERY size and color combo of Doohicky I have?


Thank you for any help! I really am stumped!



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Is it possible to have osCommerce keep track of items in stock based not just on the item description page, but on variations of that item, such as size, model, color, etc?


Not at present :(


However the product attributes system is due for an overhaul and this will be addressed at that point.


I don't know when this will be though.

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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Thanks for the quick reply sparky!


I suppose now I can quit digging through options, help files and mods to see if it's possible. You've probably saved me quite a bit of time!


I look forward to seeing such options implemeted in the future.


In the meanwhile I'll need to find another shopping cart solution. I sell only four items, but each is available in many sizes and colors. If anyone has a suggestion for me and is feeling generous, could you please post, (or email me if more appropriate)?


Thanks again!





Oh yeah, I'm also releived to see my question made sense. :)

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Thanks so much for posting! QTPro was exactly what I needed.


Now... I'll probably stick with osCommerce... the long road to redooing my entire site (wich currently has NO shopping capabilities) begins!


Thanks to you all who helped me out.





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