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Switching Servers - Need help


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Hi All!

I tried moving my files from one server to another, but ended up with errors on the main page - something about /usr/lib???


Time to try again. The original site was created using a 5/30 snapshot and has been heavily modified so I would like to minimize rework. My first thought was to install the most recent snapshot on the new server, then copy my files over. Then I noticed MS2 was out and still not sure how to proceed.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Not sure but I would download the entire site, AND the entire database (data and structure). Then you would have to go through the files and change all references to your old site (there are going to be stacks of them) :?



I used to be insane, but now I'm just nuts ;)

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I tried moving my files from one server to another, but ended up with errors on the main page - something about /usr/lib???
/usr/lib shouldn't affect OSC directly. It would be Apache, MySQL, and PHP that would be using things from /usr/lib. Have you tried installing a blank store on that server? Are you sure it supports OSC?


And, a bit of a hint would be that some people use Beyond Compare to update their stores with the mods. I haven't used it, but as I understand it, you can use to make a comparison between the 5/30 snapshot and MS2 which you can then use to modify the files on which you are working.


If you want to post or PM the /usr/lib errors, I would be interested in seeing them. Even if only because I find them unexpected.


Good luck,


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