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deleted catergories still appearing


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hi peeps really need help with this before i can progress with my site.




i deleted the 4 default catergories so i can put my own. i have added 2 catergories as a start off.... fascias and phonedoms.


however at random parts of the browsing of the site the old catergories come up like magic :) for example if u add an item to the cart u will see the old catergories.... :roll: its kinda looking messy so thought id tackle this now rather than later. anyone have any suggestions please? i will be forever grateful... checked previous posts but never came up with to much.



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Your categories list is freaky. The other categories were not showing on entry, only Phone doms and Fascias, then i went into Fascias and it was the only category showing (in the left top box), but when I clicked on the catalog link, I got Gift Vouchers, DVD, Hardware, Software but NOT Phone doms and Fascias. Clicking on Hardware gave me an empty categories box.


Have you tried clearing all the old stuff out of your database? Is the little green light turned on beside it in admin? (just thinking out loud here, sorry). Are your new categories actual categories or sub-sub categories by accident? (they should be in the top categories page in admin)


Mind boggling.. :shock:

Sorry I couldn't help more..



I used to be insane, but now I'm just nuts ;)

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hi there thank you for replying.


Have you tried clearing all the old stuff out of your database? - from the product catalog yes.


Is the little green light turned on beside it in admin? - yes it is


Are your new categories actual categories or sub-sub categories by accident? - there actual catergories as i actually deleted the default ones from admin.


Mind boggling.. :shock: - I know hehe


thank you for your effort to help anyone got any more ideas?

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hi thanks for replying also, nope pressing top just goes to the front page of the domain which is a holding page but then when i go back to oscommerce it has the default catergories???.... i dunno if there some variables or summat holding the values incorrectly cause there doesnt seem to be much consistency with the way the catergories are showing.... i mean i dont know wot i did wrong i simply deleted old catergories and added new ones all from the admin part. thought it was simple enough :roll:

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yes as above its www.4qmobiles.com

as mentioned if u add an item to the cart then the catergories change from the ones i wanted which were "fascias and phonedoms" to the 4 default ones. hopinh around the site comes up with different catergories for some unknown reason, i appreciate ur time on this mate.

and i really would appreciate help on getting this sorted.... i may not reply now cause its 00:05 here in the uk and work tomorrow :)



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ok I been to the site, now login to your admin panel, the blue one, click on payment modules, click on total order, now click "gift votchers" status "red " or , off, then if your not gonna use discount coupons click it red , price break should already be red, same with low shipping fee, remeber where these are in case you want to make a change, you now should be free of the gift products, oh hareware, software and dvd movies show a default cvPath of 1,2, and 3 if they do not disappear, then go to your blue panel, click on catalog, in big letters, it should say

catergories/products, at the right , go to: TOP in a box with an blue arrow in a blue box, click the arrow to check your catagories, also look at the folders, the ones you created should be the only ones there , if not , the blue arrow, under the word action will indicate which folder , click delete, then delete again, when it says , are you sure

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Have you tried clearing your categories and products tables through phpmyadmin?



I used to be insane, but now I'm just nuts ;)

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thanks horseonetwo for the contribution,




ok so this time i started again and restarted the setup of the site, now rather than delete the default catergories i amended the names... i.e Hardware is now NOKIA etc... however when entering the site its fine, press refresh or come back to the catalog and annoyingly the default catergories appear :( were are these values being held for them to be called back? surely they cant just come from no were. also horseonetwo i followed your guideline on removing gift voucher however yet again this still appears... i turned off this facility to. my hosting company is using v2.2 cvs.... i really would appreciate help resolving this as this is seriously delaying my website and somewhat disheartening me :*(

take care and thanks for looking


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ok im still stumpted :roll: i cant understand where its calling the default catergories from... i have checked the database and thats fine and only holds the new catergories.... how is it calling these? were from? and whats more when entering the catergory it has the correct title etc... HELLLLLLLLLLP please my heads spinning!


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when i see the default catergories, i go into source code, and it seems to show the new catergories??? so how on earth its called the default catergories i dont know. why does it work the first time but not the next time i go back to it? anyone pleeeeeeeease? im gonna cry :*(

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I am having the exact same problem! This is about the 6th OSC site I have created so I'm not a newbie. I've done a clean install. Deleted all categories via phpMyAdmin and created my new categories. When you goto the site, you see my categories initially just fine. However, once you click on one and then go back to the main catalog page, now you only see:


Gift Vouchers

DVD Movies


However if you click on one of those, it brings up teh correct category list again. SO WIERD! I'm baffled because these two categories are NOWHERE in the mysql database so WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM? I have never had this problem before. I'm wondering if it has to do with the install...I'm using Ian's latest pre-load - are you?


Someone please help!


You can see what I'm talking about here:



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jeana exactly, thats the problem im exactly having, i believe i have 2.2 cvs which is provided by my hosting company, im now in the process of trying to install milestone 2 but having a few teething problems.... this problem is soo annoying means i cant continue with my website with this problem, jeana i would be very greatful if u would advise me on how u resolve this if hopefully u manage to. i have almost given up! and likewise i will let u no if i have any joy.

best of luck

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also to add i added a new catergories file just incase the original was not working right or something but same problem, im now possibly thinking of creating manually a flash file for the catergories and putting all the links in manually :( cant see any other way of doing this i like this software.

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Thanks to bensonh, I was able to fix our problem!!! You need to set the "cache" to false in the admin panel. Is this a new feature (cache) or something that is now default turned on? I ask because this is the first time I have encountered this problem in the past year I have been setting up OSC stores...well anyway, thank sooooo sooo much to bensonh again.


PS - can anyone tell me why I would want the "cache" turned on and what it is supposed to do?

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