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price list drop dowm box


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Could any one help me with the price list drop down box.

I down load the files and installed as instruction below

1 . Copy the files onto your server in the correct folders.

2 . Open catalog/includes/column_left.php

place: include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'shop_by_price.php');

wherever you want the infobox to appear. Obviously you can put this in column_right as well or in the header.

3. Edit catalog/includes/application_top.php

add: define('FILENAME_SHOP_BY_PRICE','shop_by_price.php');

4. Modify catalog/includes/languages/english.php to your needs, this file contains the text for the pirce ranges and also the SQL for displaying the different ranges. I think its easy enough to understand.


But It did not show like the Manufactures or Currencies drop down box.

It just show the text message line by line with the range of price list.

here is the website


Thank you very much

son Nguyen

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I figured it out by using matt davies' code.

and now it came up with another problem.

when I click on Price box, the color of the top of all lef and right panel change to gray color. If I click on Catergory or Manufacture, it changes back to blue color.

here is the website www.gabestjewelry.com

Does anyone know why? please help.

Thank you.

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Most of your pages are including includes/classes/thema/1/stylesheet.css. The shop_by_price.php page is using the original stylesheet.css in the catalog directory. I didn't browse all the way through the site, but changing the call in shop_by_price.php to the thema stylesheet should fix your problem.


Good luck,


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Thank you for your help, Matt. But It still not working and now I am screwed. Help!!! anyone??

I tried to copy and replace the stysheet.css from Thelma directory to Catalog directory. when I clicked on the Price I got the blank page with error message :"The page cannot be found" just like regular website when you enter the website address and it has been moved.

I try to replace with the original stysheet in Catalog directory and still give me an error message :The page cannot be found.

could anyone help me out with this problem. Thanks a lot

Son Nguyen

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