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The e-commerce.

Setting up for the first time - what's easier?


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I'm new to oscommerce and PHP. Just installed it and trying to make it work with an existing site. Since the layout of the catalog and the existing site is essentially different, can anyone recommend if it's easier to hack the layout of the catalog to look like the existing site or just copy the site structure into the catalog and paste relevant code (i.e. "Add to Cart" button) into the existing site?


What is your experience integrating the catalog with an existing website (particularly with the look & feel)?





*Moved from My Store* - Please read the sticky before posting to Forum channels - Johnson

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It's going to be a lot easier making the osC look like your current store, than try to add osC functionality to your current site.


It's not just like there is one block of code to add an item to the cart, it is a bit more complex.

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BTW, I am currently working on creating a new osC based site




to replace my current site




It's not as hard as it seems, you learn as you go and it ends up being kind of fun.


Thanks very much. It confirms what I suspected. One quick question about PHP: I know the pages are calling each other with an include statement. But exactly how are these files referenced? For example, the "Category" box. Where is that being called from and what is the call statement? I think I'll be able to figure it out from an example.




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Each main page has a call to column left and right. These files are in the "includes" directory. Within each of these files there are calls to each infobox which are in the includes/boxes directory.


Check out:




These offer great tutorials, and gives you a much better idea how everything works.


I had only dealt with html before and not php, and now I know enough so I can make a functional site.

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Hi James,


I think your gofastperformance site looks great. The only thing is that I clicked through and tested what your shipping price would be for 1 x Cavalier 00-02 Boomer, with the complete kit costing $489.95. It's a kit with








These are large auto parts, and your shipping price to ship to Chicago IL, shows up at $5.50:


Sub-Total: $489.95

Table Rate (Best Way): $5.50

Total: $495.45


If anyone were to buy these products, wouldn't you lose your shirt on shipping costs? How much does it really cost to ship?


I'm asking, because I have a site ready to go live, except that I am not finding any information on how to configure my shipping (I need live shipping lookup + media rate).


I'm curious how you are planning to resolve your shipping issue (and if it's an issue for you at all). Maybe you've found an alternative to osCommerce? What are your thoughts?



Dainis W. Michel

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Thanks for the feedback, but I have not actually even started to configure the shipping costs yet. I am still working with easypopulate to populate the store (still have like 500 more products to add).


I plan to have flat rate shipping, so a body kit weighs 44 pounds, and shipping to anywhere in the USA is $130.


I have seen people do this, but I am not quite sure how they did it.


If anyone knows I would appreciate some insight.

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