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osc 2.2ms2 database changes


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I'm trying to make changes to my old database so I can import it to new installation. According to program mysqldiff.pl I need to make few changes to my database:


ALTER TABLE address_book CHANGE COLUMN address_book_id address_book_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment; # was int(11) NOT NULL default '1'


ALTER TABLE address_book ADD INDEX idx_address_book_customers_id (customers_id);

ALTER TABLE address_book DROP PRIMARY KEY; # was ((address_book_id,customers_id))

ALTER TABLE address_book ADD PRIMARY KEY ((address_book_id));



The problem is the previous PRIMARY INDEX was based on address_book_id + customers_id this generated a unique number; I've added the INDEX "idx_address_book_customers_id" but when I try to drop the PRIMARY KEY Index I get an error message:


Incorrect table definition; There can only be one auto column and it must be defined as a key


I'm getting an error when I try to ADD PRIMARY KEY address_book_id

Duplicate entry '1' for key 1


I think because there are duplicate entires in the column.

Do I need to rename entries in column "address_book_id" to unique number?


If I try to do that I'm getter a message that there are "Affected rows:"


Joseph :!:


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As a quick hint in case it stimulates someone to come up with a more robust solution, you might want to dump the contents of the table to a text file or something (without the address_book_id), drop the table, and recreate it in the new form.




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I was thinking about it but I don't know how the data will be affected as every time I change "address_book_id" to a unique number a message comes up "Affected rows" with some entries.


I don't know how will this affect the linking of the customer to their purchase orders; I think in the old setup it was done by the Primary Index and that was Customer_ID + Address_book_ID.


If I go and alter the number as I wish, will the linking to the sales order be lost? I'm not sure; can anybody with more experience in MYSQL answer this?




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Renaming "address_book_id" to unique number ONE BY ONE seemed to work.

Slow and painful solution but it is working.


If anybody has better idea please post it.




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Renaming "address_book_id" to unique number ONE BY ONE seemed to work.

Slow and painful solution but it is working.  


If anybody has better idea please post it.




that is what i ended up doing probably there is an easier way but it works!

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Update Again. IT IS NOT WORKING!


Fixing "address_book_id" index manually isn't working.

Customers appear to be linked to the correct past orders but when the customer returns and try to place a new order the information in database is empty with the following error message:


Warning: reset()[function.reset]: Passed variable is not an array or object in .../catalog/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 17 line 18


Back to square one.


Joseph :idea:


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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I am so sorry, syscon, but could you please post the solution step by step, I am having the same problem, I am very stupid at fixing php problem..thank you so much or anyone will be very appreciated as well...thank you for the help in advance :unsure: :(

OS-commerce is great, but with other magical contributions, that is just so "COOL"!

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