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The e-commerce.

Setup problem


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I'm running my own linux server and i wanted to install oscommerce i was able to update the database but when i click continue to go to the next part it gives me this message


The configuration files do not exist, or permission levels are not set.


Please perform the following actions:

cd /var/www/html/catalog/includes/

touch configure.php

chmod 706 configure.php


cd /var/www/html/catalog/admin//includes/

touch configure.php

chmod 706 configure.php


i don't know what to do thanks in adv

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Yep, the instructions look weird. But just type them exactly and you'll be OK..assuming you have rights to that directory. If you try the first instruction, and it throws you out with a terse 'permission denied' then you haven't got rights. You may need to be the 'superuser' (i.e., root)

If it does throw you out, type

su -

and give your root password.


The first instruction, 'touch' will create a zero-length file called configure.php. (If it perchance exists, it'll just set the file's date and time to the present)

chmod 706 - that's slightly more involved to explain. You need a litle bit of binary arithmetic...

The first "7" is giving read, execute, and write rights to the owner of the file - either you, or the oscommerce default user.

the second 0 - denies all read/write/execute access to the group that user's in

the third 6 gives read/write access to anyone else.

That's it!



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Did all those things that setup suggested. No luck. The conf files in includes/ and admin/includes/ have default values in them. so i changed them manually (databese parameters, http and local paths). Got the admin working and the first page displayed OK!


All the links from the 1st page pointed to something like http://priit.reta.eedir_ws_http_catalogpro...d=22&osCsid=xxx the dir_ws_http_catalog comes from application_top.php. But for some reason that dir_ws_http_catalog was not replaced with /catalog/


Anyways, this seems to be a pretty common problem. I've seen it at least 6 topics in 2 forums. But no clue yet :(

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After you create the files and chmod, you are supposed to run the install again, so it can configure the files.


Good luck,


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