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Suggestion and Request: Manual "Featured Products"


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I have a client who had a special request. They would like to replace the new products infobox on the home page with a custom one to read as "Featured Products".


Their concept is to have this box, similar to specials in concept, where they can easily select products from the admin to add to it that would appear within the new "Featured Products" box on the home page. These would be products that would not have pricing discounts neccessarily, but jsut products they want to push.


The admin side of it I'm sure could be done by simply duplicating the specials module, but only requiring the ability to add/delete/edit specials versus the need to change pricing. They still plan to use the specials module separately though, thus why we need something new for this.


If anyone can point us in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. Also we would be willing to pay someone to do this for us, as it is beyond the ability of our current developers. I figure it should only take 1-2 hours of work since the basis could be the specials module.


Let me know and thanks! :)




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This is different than the Featured Products contribution?


Btw, if the goal is to get offers to code this for you, then you should probably post in the Seeking Commercial Help forum. If you want to have a discussion about how to do this and a request for help, then you probably should post in both places. Moderators tend to respond to commercial requests by locking the thread. Thus, you want to split up the two requests (although the SCH thread can certainly reference this one). That way, only the other thread gets locked.


Good luck,



P.S. Anyone looking to respond to the request for help, should do so with a PM or email to comply with forum rules. Posts may get deleted before mushindo can see them.

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Thanks for the info and location of the feuatured products contribution. I must of missed it when going through the list.


Also thanks for the advice on posting job related things to the seek commercial help forum.




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