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[Contribution] SaleMaker - All products marked down


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Now where was this last month when I ran my summer special. Boy that was a pain. Gonna have to look into install this one today for future sales.

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  • 6 months later...

For those wishing that this would work on MS1...well I have it installed with NO PROBLEMS AT ALL!



The instructions are clear and I even got it to work with products_listing_col.php (Column Product Listing contribution)


The only thing I have yet to do is all_products.php so if anyone has that figured out please post.

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  • 6 months later...

I too have successfully installed Salemaker (great contribution, thanks Marcel!).


I am importing new products into the site using easy populate with this standard layout import:

v_products_model v_products_image v_products_name_1 v_products_description_1 v_products_price v_products_weight v_date_avail v_date_added v_products_quantity v_manufacturers_name v_categories_name_1 v_categories_name_2 v_status EOREOR


For some reason, salemaker will not work with the new products imported, even though ENTIRE CATALOG is selected.


Any suggestions?



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  • 3 weeks later...

GREAT mod! It installed very easily, even in a heavily modified osc site. i'm having two issues right now. first, it doesn't appear that sale is affecting the pricing of options/attributes. for example, if a product base price is $100 and i have a 5% sale it correctly shows the product on sale at $95. However, if the product has an option that is $10 the option shows as $10 (even if you add it to the shopping cart). Is this the intended/designed behavior? If so, any planned upgrades to the mod that would fix this? If it's not the designed behavior any ideas on what's causing this?


Second, i can't get the froogle upload mod to upload the discounted prices. Anyone got a fix to this problem?


Thanks in advance...again a great mod!

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  • 6 months later...

I have seen this asked several times, but unfortunately have seen no reply (please let me know if I've missed it). The salemaker is GREAT, unfortunately, I cannot seem to get it to work with Froogle or Family Products. Froogle WILL reflect regular specials prices, but not when done through salemaker:

For example in Froogle, the price is obtained

FORMAT( IFNULL(specials.specials_new_products_price, products.products_price) * " . $taxCalc . ",2) AS price,

, where as the sale maker seems to use a function to get the prices : Example:


I am not a coder, so I can't figure out hot to make froogle feed use the salemaker price.


Same issue with Family Products: the salemaker price is not reflected.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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HELP :'(


I added this contrib and now my site is blank. My admin comes up just fine and I'm able to access the SaleMaker (even though it won't do the dates right and I've doublechecked the js on the calendar was changed) but I have absolutely no site. I've gone back over everything I did to see I made the right changes but I still can't see it. Is my only option to roll back my site to before the install? I've looked at it so long now that I think I may be missing something


http://www.bare-essensuals.com (fyi - it's handmade soap and body products nothing xxx)



Thanks in advance,




PS: The reason I made this install to begin with is that I'm trying to run specials but they don't seem to run on items with attributes. What I mean is I have an item on sale in size x y and z (which are different price points) but the sale only seems to apply to the original size listed. Why doesn't it also deduct off the attributes? Is there a contrib for that because I couldnt' find one. TIA

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I added this contrib and now my site is blank.


PS:  The reason I made this install to begin with is that I'm trying to run specials but they don't seem to run on items with attributes.  What I mean is I have an item on sale in size x y and z (which are different price points) but the sale only seems to apply to the original size listed.  Why doesn't it also deduct off the attributes?  Is there a contrib for that because I couldnt' find one. TIA


This is fixed now but I'd still like to be able to do this as per my PS above.

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