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Need to log customer IP on signup


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Any idea how I could do this?

I know I have to use the $REMOTE_ADDR, or do I?

I had a play with it and got the dreaded error message. Something about a double arrow? So I chickened out and decided to ask for help instead.. :oops:


Reason being that I've had a lot of bogus signups and it's a wholesale site. I want to stop people from signing up, checking the prices, and undercutting me. I have the signup authorisation working and nobody can see anything until I authorise them, but I'm getting tons of bogus signups and it would be handy to be able to check the IP as well as their references. (had a couple of known nasties with fake names, that won't go away)


Any tips much appreciated. I couldn't find a contribution for this, and a search of the forum turned up with nothing..





I used to be insane, but now I'm just nuts ;)

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There are a few contributions to handle the logging of IP addresses:


This one does what you're after, and it's really easy to install:



These two log the IP address when the client orders:






"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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  • 3 months later...
There are a few contributions to handle the logging of IP addresses:


This one does what you're after, and it's really easy to install:



These two log the IP address when the client orders:






May I ask if we can use all 3 in the same store? :)


I also found http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1055 but I am wondering if this mod is to enhance "who's online" feature in admin? Thanks.



Best regards,



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