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The e-commerce.

Bug in the order of available options

Social Tech

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I'm using osCommerce as my shopping cart software at my site www.forscs.com. I'm having a problem when entering available options onto the site. If you look in the shop section under SCS Gamer some of the available options/upgrades are out of order. I have tried various ways to work around this (entering largest to smallest vice versa) . The few categories that came out correctly were done by entering the largest valued upgrade first and the lowest or stock value in last. I was systematically doing all the options the same way when i discovered the software treating them differently, and disorganizing them. As you can see this problem is throwing a wrench into my progress on the site. Also the ID #'s at the left of the product attributes window (in catalog) are not following any order as well. Thanks in advance for reading this and your help. Sincerely Sam

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