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print order


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Need some help guys, put the print order contribution in and can't get the order info, except the name, street, city state to appear.

I have loaded 5 and some chages need to be made in the code but , hey thats not my thing , and loaded 5 is kind of a many level thing

Heres the code changes


modify catalog/includes/application_top.php


add: around line 68


///begin add print invoice to checkout_success////

define('FILENAME_ORDERS_INVOICE', 'invoice.php');

///end add print invoice to checkout_success/////







<h3><?php echo TEXT_THANKS_FOR_SHOPPING; ?></h3></td>



<h3><?php echo TEXT_THANKS_FOR_SHOPPING; ?><br>Your Order Number Is: <?php echo "$last_order"; ?><br><p align="center"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000099" size="3">Click Invoice Button Below <br>for A printable Invoice.<br>

</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FF0000" size="3">Those paying with <br> check or money order <br>Please Print the invoice and remit <br>

payment to the address <br>in the upper left hand corner. <br></font>

Thank you for Shopping with us Online!

<br><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS_INVOICE, 'oID=' . $last_order) . '" TARGET="_blank">' . tep_image_button('button_invoice.gif', IMAGE_ORDERS_INVOICE) . '</a>'; ?>



change checkout_process.php


add:around line 282

///begin add print invoice to checkout_success////


$last_order = $insert_id;

$oID = $last_order;

///end add print invoice to checkout_success////


Thats it

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