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Simple Re-Order Feature?


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Is there any contribution or feature that allows for customers to log back in and see their past orders and easily re-order the same products with the same attributes as they did on their last order?


I know there is order history but that just links to a page, it doesn't re-add that info to a new order. Is it possible to do this?


If you want to find it you'll have to google "Assault T-Shirts" because posting my damn url in my signature is against the forum rules.

T-Shirts with an edge

Powered by OSCommerce + about 20 different custom addons and some Wordpress

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found this topic, :)


needed to search harder.


If you want to find it you'll have to google "Assault T-Shirts" because posting my damn url in my signature is against the forum rules.

T-Shirts with an edge

Powered by OSCommerce + about 20 different custom addons and some Wordpress

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