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Item in Multiple catagories


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:idea: One way to have an item appear under multiple catagories is simply to duplicate the item with a slightly modified item number by appending "-a". "-b", "-c"...etc or alike.


:?: Does anyone know of a more elegant way of accomplishing this?

:!: Duplicate entries seems to be such a waste of database storage.


:arrow: For example a men's leather belt may appear under the catagories: Leather goods, men's accessories and belts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes... select the product in Admin and click 'Copy'.


What prompted with 'Duplicate or Link', select link...

Next, select the category you want the product in and there you go...


The one product will be in both (or more) categories... any changes made to one will affect them all because there is only one in the database... it's the products_to_categories database that has multiple copies of the product.




"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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  • 3 weeks later...

A few questions for you....


----If I plan on regularly updating my DB via ftp how will this affect the record


----How can I change the record to state different things in the decription and image for the different catagories without having to create two different records?


-----Are you confused yet by my questions?

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----How can I change the record to state different things in the decription and image for the different catagories without having to create two different records?

How can you have the same item, with a different description? That would make it a different item...

If there are only minor changes to be made, and you don't want to create the entire description again, you can select 'Duplicate' instead of 'Linked' and this will make a seperate copy of it but not linked to the original.



"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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TB: Moved thread to 'General Support' as it is more suited to this forum.

"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in a position to have 1 product in multiple categories with different descriptions for each category. My product line is a complimentary medicine range where some of the products have mulitple health benefits, though they've been marketed to target a specific issue. So where the product occurrs in a different category than its original, I'd like to add a different description that applies to the given category or condition without creating multiples of the product within the database. You dig? If a customer were viewing a list of all products within my catalog, I don't want multiples of the same product occurring within the list. Can this be done?

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