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The e-commerce.

Pretty much good to go -- except for shipping


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I've hunted around for info on "media rate," and I've found some pretty heated discussions. My shopping site is pretty much ready to go at: http://bloomfront.com/purchase/default.php. What's left over is shipping.


I've configured everything I can find in the admin panel, and I can't find media rate, so my shipping rates are much too high. Also, I do have a USPS login and password, but I get an error when I test purchasing the CD.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Dainis W. Michel

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Just wondering if anyone out there can lend a hand? I'm wanting to use the media rate along with live shipping lookup for a one product site. I've configured everything that I can see to configure (the weight, the login and pswd for USPS, etc.), but I'm not seeing anything regarding media rate.




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Hi all, I made my needs clear over a month ago, and I received a lot of supportive emails stating that osCommerce would be able to help me do what I need to do, which is sell my music CD online with live shipping lookup.


No one is even writing a message saying: "hey buddy, we forgot about media rate," or "we just don't like your name, so we're not responding to you," or "osCommerce does not support media rate or live shipping lookup, try [OtherCartName]."


My plan to implement osCommerce is riding on one friendly forum user, who wrote me a private message saying that he has live shipping lookup working. But what about media rate? Sure, I'm finding lively discussions about the philosophy of open source software, but I'd really like to be able to use this tool to sell my CD.


Please let me know if it is even possible, or if I need to switch carts.



Dainis W. Michel


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I'm having the same problem you are.


I've done a little digging and have found that the USPS test server is returning this error message in the $response array, 4 times:


<Package ID="0">




<Description>This Information has not been included in this Test Server.</Description>





Can anyone tell me how to correct it or what it means before I starting digging deeper into this puppy?





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Thanks for the info, it looks like we're getting closer. There seem to be two related modules:


USPS Methods by Brad Waite / Fritz Clapp




Media Mail Rates for Shipping USPS by David Throckmorton



USPS Methods is newer, but the word "media" does not appear on: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,487, so I don't know if it offers media rate as an option.


Any thoughts?




PS -- I assumed that media rate and live shipping lookup would be fairly common, and I did not at all expect them to be such sensitive/difficult issues. I guess it looks like I "bumped" my original post, which I've now found out is against the forum rules. More accurately, I've now fully realized what bumping means. I'm actually new enough to the "forum scene" that I didn't understand the rules, terms, etc., and I'm sorry if I've broken the rules of this forum. I you find my posts to be inappropriate, bumped, or in breach of the rules of this community, please feel free to send me a private mail.

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