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Posted (edited)

Perhaps I missed it but I did not see any place to send a test email while setting up the email options (to verify the installation works) during the OSC v4 setup process.

Is there one?  If not can one be incorporated?


Edited by Chadduck
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Chadduck said:

Perhaps I missed it but I did not see any place to send a test email while setting up the email options (to verify the installation works) during the OSC v4 setup process.

Is there one?  If not can one be incorporated?

You can force change a password for yourself in Admin->Managers->Members->Update password to send test email.

Also I suggest you install Email History Report - it show emails history, sending status and an error message if something goes wrong

Edited by pandrei


Thank you for the information.  Doing that revealed the email was NOT correctly setup.

Although the Email History Report showed it was sent correctly. I had overlooked setting the smtp transport option. With the Email History Report resend option follow up testing much easier.  


  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all. well ive set up the smtp server ,username and password etc and set the emails to go via smtp but nothing sends. i can send a coupon and it says its sent but it isnt. the email history report says its sent all good. Also if i hover above the email button or the customers email address ,in the bottom left of the screen its got the 'mailto' default mailer link, an if i click the email button it opens my Thunderbird mail on the pc. so the smtp website installed mailer just isnt working.

il keep cracking away at it but if anyone has any answers id love to hear them!

11 hours ago, keitdgn said:

so the smtp website installed mailer just isnt working.


I was in this position also - I had overlooked the SMTP Mailer

Configuration -> E-Mail Options -> SMTP Mailer
Select SwiftMailer (as it is included with OSCommerce v4) 
Then check it as outlined by pandrei above



Thank you. I had that installed. Ive got it working now . i had to edit sales channel and select 'off' for the default email (the one used when installing the site)
and add in the one i want to use. what had been happening is that the oscommerce system was working fine and sending out the emails  but because i had selected use default email and not seen the extra options (as some options only appear when you toggle a switch. the emails server was bouncing them. because it had two different emails in the send info.

still some options not working, like it is stuck on 'sendmail' when i want to send a customer a email from thier details page by clicking the button. it just opens my pc based mail program even though i have smtp swiftmail added and cashe flushed. but the order confirmation emails are being sent now and i can send emails from 'send gift voucher' in marketing, that works.
I cannot send a payment reminder because that button is greyed out and crossed out////// maybe its because its not a paid for version? so some functionality isnt there?






While I would like to assist further I can not as I am just getting my feet wet with this version.  It is a rather drastic change with a rather steep learning curve from my previous version of OSC.




I am hoping you can save me some hair pulling. Is this what you were experiencing?

I placed myself a test order - no email rcvd but the order posted
I updated the order (checked Notify Customer) - no email rcvd
Like you I sent myself a Gift Voucher - RCVD email

The only item that showed up in the Email History report was the Git Voucher.

I ask because the solution you showed really doesn't apply in my case as I only have one Sales Channel active so it is the default channel.  I tried to remove the email address in the General section but couldn't save it.

Having explained this - Do you have any suggestions about what else could I examine that would be causing the issue? 



well . not just yet but i will! , im spending hours on it , i only need one sales channel ,i did add one ofmy own aside from the demo ones but its just greyed out. cannot activate it . and i accidentally deleted another , and cant get it back. oops. and it seems if you deactivate a module it vanishes in to thin air! .
back to the email thing. im just trying to get the theme sorted out . ive got the contact form working fine with re-capture. on the furniture these. I broke it on the watch theme, the contact form just vanished and i cant get it back.
i  will be on it all day again tomorrow and Sunday
so please check back and il see you and might have an update.  I just made a new customer account and it sent a welcome email instantly. but i cant check out anything as i cant get any payment options to work even in testing and its 2am . il be back on it in the morning. I did get order confirmation emails yesterday using the watch theme. it seems each theme has to be set up separately  if you tell me what theme youre using i can try it .


in the sales channel setup. make sure all the fields are set for the email you have set up with the smtp.

as there is more than one box . a box for each function. untoggle default and some more boxes should appear.

1 hour ago, keitdgn said:

if you tell me what theme youre using i can try it .

The WATCH theme


1 hour ago, keitdgn said:

make sure all the fields are set for the email you have set up with the smtp

I will check BUT I beleive that they are all completed.

BTW IF I discover anything I will also post that.



okay. I managed to fix the watch theme i broke :( by restoring the backup of it that i made before i used it :)
Ive added a product, to test. i can buy it . i get conformation emails both to the customer and myself.
i can email gift vouchers.
haven't been able to update an order yet. as there's so many menus I'm still getting used to it .
I will try , and if it sends me an email il let you know. also check your junk mail folder as i got some in there initially
when they were being rejected because the system was using the default setup email and i had inputted another to send from
so because of the conflict in the email header. the outside server was rejecting it , it was bouncing back to my junk folder.
and not reaching the intended destination.
Importantly i want customers to be able to post a message in their account and be able to reply to it.

10 hours ago, keitdgn said:

well . not just yet but i will! , im spending hours on it , i only need one sales channel ,i did add one ofmy own aside from the demo ones but its just greyed out. cannot activate it . and i accidentally deleted another , and cant get it back. oops. and it seems if you deactivate a module it vanishes in to thin air! .
back to the email thing. im just trying to get the theme sorted out . ive got the contact form working fine with re-capture. on the furniture these. I broke it on the watch theme, the contact form just vanished and i cant get it back.
i  will be on it all day again tomorrow and Sunday
so please check back and il see you and might have an update.  I just made a new customer account and it sent a welcome email instantly. but i cant check out anything as i cant get any payment options to work even in testing and its 2am . il be back on it in the morning. I did get order confirmation emails yesterday using the watch theme. it seems each theme has to be set up separately  if you tell me what theme youre using i can try it .

If you need a single theme, you can install osCommerce with one theme and just modify it as needed.

12 hours ago, Chadduck said:

I placed myself a test order - no email rcvd but the order posted
I updated the order (checked Notify Customer) - no email rcvd

What does Email History report show for these emails? If it shows success status, emails may be blocked on the receiving mail server.


go to the edit sales channel page.  that is, select sales channel,  /admin/platforms/
on the contact information box. make sure the email address and email from emails are entered in the two boxes.
by default. my 'email from' box filled its self in with '[email protected]' (example) i had to change it manually. then my emails started working

1 hour ago, pandrei said:

What does Email History report show for these emails? If it shows success status, emails may be blocked on the receiving mail server.


It shows the Gift voucher as sent (and YES it was received) BUT nothing regarding the "test order" nor the update to that order.

2 hours ago, keitdgn said:

make sure the email address and email from emails are entered in the two boxes.


After verifying - YES they are completed.  see graphic 1


Graphic 2 is the Order Processing, Graphic 3 is the Email history.



8-Sales Channel Contact info.PNG

4-5-6 Combined.png

7- email history.PNG


Well, it appears, that the Order Processing section has two (2) DIFFERENT comment areas.  

One is for store staff to put comments regarding the customer and/or the order which is NOT made available for the customer to see.  Apparently this DOES NOT sends an email.

The other is for the CUSTOMER and is what would be sent as an email to the customer.  Unfortunately, even with the "Notify Customer" checked it DOES NOT send an email as can be seen by the red "X" in the "Customer Notified" column. (shown in previous Graphic 2)

Email history shows nothing was sent either.

On 8/12/2023 at 4:44 PM, Chadduck said:

It shows the Gift voucher as sent (and YES it was received) BUT nothing regarding the "test order" nor the update to that order.

You did not have an email template for default order status:


After I set the default template the order email was sent.

15 hours ago, Chadduck said:

So does this setting needs to be set on every template?

This setting needs to be configured for those order statuses for which you want a notification to be sent to the customer.

6 hours ago, pandrei said:

This setting needs to be configured for those order statuses


In my ongoing quest to understand the various settings used by OSC version 4, whenever you post an answer I revisit the unmodified version of the them (Watch) and compare its settings to what you indicate [within my working theme (MWW2)].

Unfortunately, because the settings for this particular answer are stored in the database - the changes for it also appear in the Watch theme - could you please identify WHICH Order Status you actually changed?  It appears to be the "New Orders / Awaiting for payment" status.  However, since going the a specific status only identifies the edit page as  "Edit Orders Status" and the dropdown for the "Status Group" only indicates "New Orders" I am uncertain if the "New Orders / Processing" also requires the User Email Template change.

Also, may I suggest that in a future update that the Edit page for this setting include the title of the item being edited?  (e.g. "Edit Orders Status - New Orders / Awaiting for payment", or "Edit Orders Status - New Orders / Processing")  I suggest this because it is really easy to get lost within "status groups" and knowing WHICH have been modified.


16 hours ago, Chadduck said:

Unfortunately, because the settings for this particular answer are stored in the database - the changes for it also appear in the Watch theme - could you please identify WHICH Order Status you actually changed?

I changed the "New Orders/Redirected at payment gateway" order status.

17 hours ago, Chadduck said:

However, since going the a specific status only identifies the edit page as  "Edit Orders Status" and the dropdown for the "Status Group" only indicates "New Orders" I am uncertain if the "New Orders / Processing" also requires the User Email Template change.

It depends on online payments you have and that statuses they set.

4 hours ago, pandrei said:

It depends on online payments you have and that statuses they set



IF I understand you correctly I will need to wait to set these until my particular credit card payment module is completed  and installed and THEN set these - CORRECT?


4 minutes ago, Chadduck said:

IF I understand you correctly I will need to wait to set these until my particular credit card payment module is completed  and installed and THEN set these - CORRECT?

Usually you can find out which order status is used in a payment in its settings. For example, for the PayPal payment settings:


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