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How would i change my new/featured products to this??


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i have been wondering how i can change my new products box that lies in the middle of the page, what i have decided is that i want to install the featured products module, but yet that will still not change how the products are displayed, what i would like to do is make my whole infobox look like the following image, but still be able to control what products appear in the featured products, as in the featured products contribution,

how would i make the whole infobox look like this,




that is how the whole box should look, so that means a white background, no border, those lines seperating the product must appear, and no heading, but still run from the featured products contribution so i can specify what products appear, the short description is just the first so many caracters pulled from that products descripton,


can someone help me, tell me what i have to do, it shouldnt be that hard i wouldnt think,


please help




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There is a cieto featured products mod that does that. Set it to 3 columns

Look in downloads area for contributions

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ahh, cool, thanks, i was trying the other one, but it wasnt working properly, that one works sweet, now i guess i just need to modify the layout a bit and everything will be good,

Don't die with the music in you!!!


Failure is just another boundary to sucess!!! But that doesn't mean your getting somewhere...

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