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The e-commerce.

How to get started?!


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Does one need to have programming background to use osCommerce? I have absolutely none and just tell me now if I am wasting my time here...


Can't even get started--

I find myself making changes to the demo/default page (of video games and HP products)

I was moderately successful with uploading my own product images -- it reads ...jpg but no image -- do i need to resize the jpeg file?

How do I get rid of all the other stuff on the demo page (new products, other products, etc....)

I am selling in the US in US currency-- possible to get rid of the other three flags? product description drops to three sections to three flags -- want no flag sections or just one-American flag section.... :oops: :oops:

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Programming background or at least a desire to learn some programming skills are really helpful to do a lot of customization to OSC. While many give great directions for making changes, you really need to have an idea of exactly what you're doing. If you don't, you'll be getting errors that you don't have a clue about. Not that having the skills will let you fix all problems.....lol


There are a couple of ways to delete the test products. You can go into Admin in the Catalog section and delete them one by one. You can go thru PhpMyAdmin against your MySQL database and empty the category and product tables (and tables that are named starting with categories and products).


Your jpg images should get resized, based on what size is set up in your Admin Section. I found that when I'm adding products(via Admin Catalog area), if I browse and select an image off my PC for OSC to upload to the images directory as opposed to preloading them to the images directory, everything seems to work fine.


If you look at the Wiki Documentation should give you assistance on making many other cosmetic type changes.


Hope that helps.


If you search on posts by me, you'll see a topic about starting to learn and modify OSC a few days ago where I discussed starting out with osc.



If I build it...they will come.

If I don't try to build it.....I will never know!

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did you load image to product page ?

Best to start reading, too many things to learn one question at a time, click on bottom links to start your journey.

get back to us on where you loaded image

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