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Email Reciept


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How do you (or where do you) change the email address for the reciept that is sent after an order is placed? I can't find it anywhere!

Kind Regards,



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If you are referring to the extra email that you want to receive for an order placed, it is in Configuration, My Store and "Send Extra Order Emails to:" is where you key it in.


The customer, of course, get theirs based on the email in their account record.



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Exactly what I was looking for, thanks!


Now my problem is I have emails going to the address I want it to go to, and my personal email. Is there another place that i need to edit to NOT get the email to my personal?

Kind Regards,



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Order emails go to three places: one, the customer's email; two, any emails listed in the Send Extra E-Mails To; and three, the Store Owner's email address. At a guess, you are getting emails to your personal address because you have it set as the Store Owner's email address. If you change that to a different email, they will go there instead.




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