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Internet connection type


How fast is your connection?  

  1. 1. How fast is your connection?

    • 28.8K or less
    • 56.6K
    • ISDN
    • DSL/Cable

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These aren't the people that you need to be concerned about. I just left a job as a Customer Service Rep for a company that is online and offline and I can tell you that there are a lot more people on 56K and below than you want to think about. And in the US you have to consider WebTV as a major part of the shopping community that you want to get to come online and buy from you.

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US Web Connection Speeds (Home Users) - May 2003

14.4K - 3.2%

28.8/36.6K - 9.32%

56K - 51.6%

Broadband - 35.87%


US Web Connection Speeds (Work Users) - May 2003

Less than or equal to 56K - 30.3%

Greater than 56K - 69.7



Perdure - Transparent Object Relational Persistence
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Brenden, that puts over 10% at 28.8 and lower, so that to me is a significant amount.


Back to optimizing photos!

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Yes, I realize now that an osC forum is not the best place to obtain scientifc results, especially seeing that 100% of people have broadband or above.


Thanks Breden for the stats, and Deborah for your insight.

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Developers and shoppers are two different groups of people, even though developers are shoppers too :)


I can give a lot of insight on shoppers, but most people don't like what I have to say because it means they have to "dumb down" their sites, drop the flash and the fancy graphics, and, god forbid, use lots of text and language that they don't want to.


Forums=Message Boards=BBS

90% of new shoppers don't know what an FAQ is or how to use it if they did click on it


Just a couple of quickies.


And ... one last thought ... Google, although important, isn't the only way to get SHOPPERS to your website.....

[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]

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