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The e-commerce.

Cant See images / php Files.


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Hi, I Installed everything correctly (i think), and on my computer I see everything correct (images and php files displayed) (this is also the pc which Oscommerce has been installed on). But when i went to my friends house and tried to access it i saw just text and the php files and images were just a Rectangle with an X at the corner (Like a broken link to an image or something) . Why is it that at my computer i can see it , but on his and probably any other one - I can't ? :shock:


Thanks A Bunch :!: - Eeleek`.


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Please anyone help me with this issue :/ I took a cab in NYC and i though that someone would answer me back by the time i get home in brooklyn :/

i thought wrong so im depressed now :(


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The link's posted in another thread. The problem is that the site is set up on localhost. Thus, it tries to look on the computer from which someone is browsing, rather than the computer on which the site is. Thus, it works when browsing from his own computer.




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If the link is the same as in your other thread, then it shows fine on my computer.


In future, do not begin another thread.... post to the same thread with MORE information.

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