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The e-commerce.

Charges for Shipping


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I am working on moving a friends site to the osCommerce platform and need to figure out the following.


- Customer orders item #1 and the shipping is 5.95.

- Customer adds item #2 to the order, the shipping needs to either take the higher of the two shipping rates and/or add $1.00 to the total shipping for the order.


Is this possible within osCommerce? The setup we are using is PayPal and AuthorizeNet with US Postal Service (priority mail) shipping method.


Can someone give me an idea of how to accomplish this?




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Is there any reason you would not want to switch to the normal USPS shipping calculations within OSCommerce?


I use both UPS and USPS (and the customer can chose how they want it shipped). Then I have the weight entered for each product and a tare weight to compensate for the box/packaging. Based on the customer address and my shop address, the shipping costs are calculated prettty accurately for me. It also gives the customer the ability to select other shipping methods (even if you only use USPS) for faster delivery.


Or you could set up flat rate shipping only, even if you are going to ship USPS Priority.


Just some thoughts.



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Yes this can be done either by using a contribution i've seen on here called Individual Product Shipping Prices - v1.0 found at http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1333


Or either by hard coding a customised shipping module depending on how many products you have and the need for flexibility. I think the contribution above would be a better start!

Reddy to Rumble


Thank you osCommerce and all who Contribute to her!

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